So, DAVID RAKER 8 is finished. It’s actually been finished for a couple of months, and since October, I’ve been working hard with my editor on knocking the manuscript into shape. It can be a long process, a fiddly one too, but I always look forward to this part. After ten months of working alone on a book, and (if you're me) pretty much doubting it the whole time, it’s somewhat liberating to be able to discuss it with other people, to get their feedback, and to work (in theory, at least!) towards making it a whole lot better.
It’s possible, in fact probably very likely, that the work of an editor is underestimated by readers; I certainly had no idea of how vital they were to the process until I became published myself. But a good editor will improve your book tenfold: they will show you the things that don’t work, they will challenge your viewpoint, and they will suggest ways in which the story and characters and structure could be improved. They’ll also, initially, be the number one cheerleader for your book as well. Ultimately, it’s up to the writer whether they take any of that advice on board, but 99 times out of 100, I personally do –– because 99 times out of 100 my editor is right. In the spirit of a telephone salesman, I should probably mention at this point that, if you’re a newsletter subscriber, and you definitely should be, you’ll have already read an extract from Book 8 in the Christmas email. (If you haven’t signed up to the newsletter, you can do so here.) The extract amounted to three-quarters of the first chapter and, although it gave a taster of what’s to come, it was minus that chapter’s ending, which in turn sets out the book's key premise. I’ll be running the first chapter in its entirety in the Spring newsletter, so I’m loathe to talk too much about the plot for now, but I will say, this missing persons case is something very, very different for Raker. While I’m in hard-sell mode, I may as well mention my Instagram page too, on which (sell sell sell) I first revealed that I’d also started DAVID RAKER 9. It’s the incredibly early stages of Raker 9, admittedly – I literally only know how it starts so far – but I really enjoy this part of the process. It’s a clean slate, with absolutely nothing in place and nothing to rule out (yet), and the only thing I know for sure, the only thing I can definitely rule in, is David Raker himself. Beyond that, absolutely everything is up for grabs. (Within reason, of course. I don’t think the world is ready for space unicorns. Or maybe they are. We’ll have to see when Raker 9 comes out.) I think I’ve blogged about this before, but I place high importance on trying to do something different with every book. For me, that doesn’t mean just changing the way a serial killer murders someone. (Not that I’m saying there’s anything wrong with that, of course.) There’ll always be a missing person, because that’s as fundamental to the series as Raker, but everything else I will look at and revise. I will always go back and see if I’ve done something similar before and, if I have, I generally scrap the idea and start again. There are occasions when, in a series, it’s impossible not to repeat things: characters, minor beats, the fundamental building blocks of a thriller. But I hope that each of the books is broadly remembered as offering something different to the one that preceded it. I always think, if a reader can remember one key set piece from each book – a place, a scene, a character – then, as a writer, you’ve done your job. So that’s where I’m at: almost at the end of one process and about to begin another. All of that, and I’ve managed to write half of a standalone novel that has absolutely nothing to do with Raker at all. But that’s a whole other story… P.S. Since the last blog, I've read: The Crossing by Michael Connelly Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins Maestra by LS Hilton Bird Box by Josh Malerman Sirens by Joseph Knox Defender by GX Todd
3/13/2017 12:33:43 pm
I just want to say how much I enjoy your books .... a detective story with a difference! In particular I couldn't put Broken Heart down and read it in two days while I was off work sick! More please ........
Tim Weaver
3/15/2017 06:51:17 am
Thank you, Kathy! So pleased you enjoyed Broken Heart –– thank you for the kind words.
3/15/2017 08:05:20 am
I am totally hooked on your books! I have recommended them to really keep the interest going. You are a fab writer..thank you for giving so much enjoyment.
Tim Weaver
3/16/2017 04:50:23 am
Thank you, Laura! Lovely to hear that the books have you hooked –– and thank you for recommending them too.
Theresa McAllister
3/20/2017 12:48:29 pm
Tim, thank you for the first chapter of David Raker no. 8, very teasing, I cannot wait for the release in July. Keep them coming!!
Tim Weaver
3/24/2017 04:31:42 am
Thank you, Theresa! So glad you enjoyed the teaser.
4/22/2017 11:20:34 am
So glad your next book is due out soon - am having withdrawal symptoms! Brilliant books so please keep them coming
Tim Weaver
4/24/2017 06:20:45 am
Thank you, Anne –– so happy to hear that.
4/25/2017 12:38:08 am
Haha I meant 7!
Tim Weaver
6/16/2017 03:26:34 am
That's so lovely to hear, Holly –– thank you! So pleased you've enjoyed the books.
4/28/2017 08:29:50 am
When is Raker "8" out ?
Tim Weaver
6/16/2017 03:25:38 am
Raker 8, aka I AM MISSING, is out on Thursday 27 July, Sam. I promise I'm writing as fast as I can :)
Tim Weaver
11/3/2017 03:04:37 am
Not sure how I missed this message, Sam, but big apologies! I'm sure you've figured out that I Am Missing is already out now. I wish I could write faster too, but one a year is about as many as I can do :)
5/29/2017 04:30:46 pm
Very excited to read the new book! By the way, I was interested in knowing your thoughts regarding The Girl on the Train. What did you think of it?
Tim Weaver
6/16/2017 03:30:31 am
Hey Sukhdev! I really liked it –– a very tight psych thriller. Not sure what "special ingredient" it had that made it become so insanely successful over and above other psych thrillers, but whatever Paula Hawkins's secret is, I wish she'd tell me :)
8/4/2017 05:43:13 pm
I haven't read a book- I mean really read a book ( half of a Harry Redknapp autobiography) in years. My wife and 2 children are avid readers but I can't focus for long enough, or commit tue time to commit to one. I have just come back from a weeks holiday where I decided to take the plunge and read. I knew I would have some time to just stop and thought I might 'dabble' in literature. I have to admit you're book 'I am missing' was chosen quite randomly from reading the blurb and enjoying mystery drama I thought I would give it a go.
Tim Weaver
11/3/2017 03:03:28 am
Hey Chris! So sorry I forgot to reply to this, but thank you for the lovely message. It's great to hear that I Am Missing has got you back into reading –– thank you for giving it a go.
4/9/2018 03:52:44 pm
Nearly finished all 8 now- Fabulous work Tim. Looking forward to number 9. Any chance these books will hit the big screen? A wider audience would benefit from meeting Raker...
7/11/2018 04:20:26 am
You say 9 book written but 5 book translated from English To Turkish in TÜRKİYE..I follow you and I want to read your all novels.Please other books quickly translate to Turkish language.
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December 2019
CategoriesTim Weaver
Author of the David Raker novels |